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Finding many stolen air conditioning units from SS ISD in the back yard!?!
Who did it? Whose yard? Think before you vote!
2002 Uresti's acrimonious departure from South San Independent School District.
my San Antonio news and testimonies 

Uresti is hiding behind his finger from his dark history, and his direct control of the appraisal district. It's the sound of a desperate Uresti who knows he's losing, He raised property assessment 30% to 500% which exceeds the limit of 10% set by the state. He is subject to a class action lawsuit to refund everyone paid more than 10% .  When assessment increase,  it does increase the property taxes, which is an increase in tax payment, mortgage, rent and grocery bill.

Is this the character we want to represent us?????

The Primary will dictate who is the next Tax Assessor since there is no republican opponent and no general election for this position. here's link for election sites

The problem is: if he is elected, he is going to rise taxes again this year another 30% to 800%. Can we take another hit??

Please Vote with your conscious not for a questionable name 

Deceiving statement 

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